1. jealous of (ঈর্ষান্বিত)- She is jealous of my merit.
2. jeer at (উপহাস করা)- Do not jeer at the others.
3. Jump to (তড়িৎ সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা)-Do not jump to a conclusion without proper consideration.
Uses Appropriate preposition Start with “K”
1. keen on (ব্যয়,উৎসুক, আগ্রহী)- You are keen on learning English.
2. key to (চাবিকাঠি)- Industry is the key to success.
3. knock at (সন্নিকটে)- My HSC Exam is knocking at the door.
4. known to (পরিচিত)- His honesty is known to everyone in his locality.
Uses Appropriate preposition Start with “L”
1. lack of (অভাব)- We cannot finish the work for the lack of time.
2. laugh at (উপহাস করা)- We should not laugh at the others.
3. lavish of/in (অপচয়ী)- Rahim is always lavish in spending money. Do not be lavish in expenditure.
4. lean against (হেলান দেওয়া)- Do not lean against the wall.
5. leave for (ত্যাগ করা)- Yesterday they left for London.6. liable to, for (আইনগতভাবে দায়ী)- This man is liable to me for debt.
7. listen to (শ্রবণ করা)- You can listen to BBC, CNN, and other news programs.
8. live by (জীবিকা নির্বাহ করা)- The labourers live by work.
9. live for (আকাঙ্ক্ষা)- We live for better days.
10. long for (আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা)- He longs for riches. [DB ’19]11. longing for (আকুল আকাঙ্ক্ষা)- Mr Azad has longing for riches.
12. lost in (অদৃশ্য)- The moon gets lost in the cloud.
13. lost to, of (বর্জিত)- Cheaters are lost of any virtue.
14. love for (অনুরাগ)- I have no love for traveling.
15. loyal to (অনুগত)- They are loyal to her.
16. look forward to (প্রতীক্ষায় থাকা)- I look forward to hearing from you.
17. look down upon (অবজ্ঞা/নিন্দা/ অমর্যাদা করা)- They should not be looked down upon in any way.
Uses Appropriate preposition Start with “M”
1. mad with (উন্মত্ত)- She is mad with rage.
2. meddle with (অনধিকার চর্চা করা)- Do not meddle with my affairs.
3. mindful of (মনযোগী)- Habib is mindful of studies.
4. mourn for (শোক প্রকাশ করা)- We mourn for her sudden death.
5. move at/with (তাড়িত)- I was moved with pity by this sorry picture.
6. muse upon (গভীরভাবে চিন্তা করা)- We should muse upon the grave situation of the country.
7. make-up (গঠন করা)- All these things make up our environment.
Uses Appropriate preposition Start with “N”
1. necessary for/to (প্রয়োজনীয়)- Physical exercise is necessary for you. Her service is necessary to you.
2. need for (প্রয়োজন)- I have no need for sympathy.
3. neglectful of (উদাসীন)- Do not be neglectful of your duty.
4. noted for (সুপরিচিত বা প্রসিদ্ধ)- Patriotic people are noted for their patriotism.
Uses Appropriate preposition Start with “O”
1. obedient to (অনুগত)- Our servant is very obedient to us.
2. object to (আপত্তি করা)- I strongly object to your words.
3. obliged to, for (বাধিত করা)- I am really obliged to you for your help.
4. obstacle to (প্রতিবন্ধক)- Ignorance is an obstacle to your success.
5. offended with, at (অসন্তুষ্ট হওয়া)- My parents were offended with you at your conduct.6. opposite to (বিপরিত)- The school is opposite to our house.
7. overwhelmed with (অভিভূত)- She is overwhelmed with immense joy.
8. owe to (কারো কৃতজ্ঞতা পাশে আবদ্ধ থাকা) I also owe to my parents and teachers.
9. out of (বাইরে) The villagers were out of their cottages.