A List Of Auxiliary Verbs

A List of Auxiliary Verbs1. ‘To be’ verbs am – I am reading a poem. is – He is reading a book. are – You/ They/ We are playing football. was – He was reading a poem. I was reading a letter. were – You/ They/We/ Boys were playing cricket.উপরোক্তভাবে ‘To be’ verbs যথা— am, is, are সহায়তা করে Present continuous tense গঠন করতে এবং was, were সহায়তা করে Past continuous tense গঠন করতে। লক্ষ কর 1st person singular subject ‘I’ এর সাথে ‘am’ এবং 3rd person singular subject এর সাথে ‘is’ বসে। অন্যান্য person ও number-এ ‘are’ বসে। ঠিক তেমনি 1st person 3rd person singular number – এ was বসে এবং অন্য person number- এ were বসে।be – I/ We/ You/ He/ They shall/ will be waiting for Kamal.Future continuous tense গঠন প্রক্রিয়ায় shall/ will-এর পর ‘be’ + মূল verb এর ‘ing’ যুক্ত form বসে।been – I/ You/ We/ They/ Boys/ He/ have/ has/ had been working for two hours Present/past/ future perfect continuous tense have/ has/ had-4been + মূল verb- এর ing যুক্ত form বসে ।2. To have verbsHave – I/ You/ We/ They/ Boys have completed the work. Has – He/ She/ Karim has completed the work. Had – I/ You/ We/ They/ Boys/ He/ She had completed the work.Present perfect tense গঠনে ‘have/ has’ মূল verb-এর past participle form-এর পূর্বে বসে। অনুরূপভাবে Past Perfect tense গঠনে ‘had’ মূল verb-এর past participle form-এর পূর্বে বসে।3. To do’ Verbsdo – I/ We/ You/ They/ Boys do not like Karim. does – He/ She/ Karim does not like Salim. did – I/ We/ They/ You/ Boys/ He/ She/ Karim did not like Selim.Present indefinite tense-এর Affirmative sentence- negative করতে do not/ does not এবং Past Indefinite tense এর verb-কে Negative করতে did not ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং মূল verb present form হয়। তবে Present indefinite tense-এ শুধুমাত্র 3rd person singular-এ does not ব্যবহৃত হয় ।To be/to have/modalsam, is, are, was, were, be: Continuous tense-এ: To be verb (Principal verb + ing) Example: They will be digging the canal. Passive voice-4: To be verb + Pp of Principal verb The canal will be being dug by them.being, been, has, have, had, having: + Pp of Principal verb Example: Have you heard the news?do, does, did The base form of Principal verb Did you do the work?all models (eg. can, should etc.) Active voice-4: base form We must obey our elders.Passive voice-4: … + Pp of Principal verb Elders must be obeyed by us.Relationship Between Auxiliary & Principal Verbs Condition.